'Art is never finished only abandoned' was painted on the wall of my secondary school art classroom. Like many things in school, I didn't think very hard about it but still it sat in my mind with more weight than it ever deserved by virtue of being in the place where lots of logical things that didn't gel with me were said. I suppose as an art installation it's succeeded because here I am using it as the basis for my post.
Although that's not entirely accurate. The basis for this post is the fact I have a lot of half finished posts drafted up and left unshared. Stories and coding projects I haven't approached seriously in far too long, yet they're pretty much entirely private and whatever scraps of it aren't useful for anything except taking up storage. The paint on a wall came to mind as a stronger opening than whining about my endless list of google docs files.
How do you decide when to abandon any creation? I don't think there's going to be a clean answer or process to determine the cutoff point.
Ideas are a dime a dozen, so throw away anything when it reaches a wall.
Solely focus on one thing until it is as you envisioned it.
As much as I want to call this two extremes on an axis, they really aren't. You can juggle projects, and it might be more practical to do so if they require specific resources or cooperation. But I think you can sort of morph between these examples, even if the premise of a neat axis breaks down quickly.
The length of the project, the confidence in the project, and the reward drive this decision. A short project you believe in that has a tangible reward is something you should grind hard at for that period. Something long, you aren't really feeling, and with a vague reward, feels like something to sit on the backburner to glance at when the mood strikes you. A serious, time consuming project, that you deeply believe in and rewards you, might fit becoming your sole focus.
And just to be clear, reward doesn't strictly mean monetarily (although it can), but rather how you feel after completing it. Some projects, especially those about learning, might be better off abandoning the moment the juice isn't worth the squeeze. What this means is open to interpretation. No, these answers aren't satisfying for me either.
Other thoughts and notes.
All these ideas have come spur of the moment (hence the impulsive tag). I quite like the idea of the time-confidence-reward tiers to judge how I work on stuff, so perhaps I'll post an update covering those projects. I'm certain it's not an original concept so I wonder if there are any more fleshed out examples out there.