• Updated the site's visuals and aesthetic ever so slightly
  • Actually made the about page worth reading instead of a nonsense mess of testing

This is me trying to make the front page less empty. I'd put the latest blogpost here, but that's also the first thing you see when you open the blog, and that seems a tad overkill. So instead I'll attempt to allude to the rest of the website.

This is sort of the V1.0 of this site, with a layout I'm sort of enjoying. I need to work out the colours, I'd like some iconography along with the pages, and in the backend I need to organise the files about so I expend less energy swapping around files. But the centred 800px of text, the floating tablet setup, the transparency over the background, all feels very good to me.

There's a lot of missing content. I thought I rolled back the resources page, but now I'm wondering if that ever existed in any public capacity. Regardless, I'm still figuring out the best way to manage that, tenatively aiming to get that at least compiled, if not neatly. Turns out figuring out a neat way to organise and share a couple hundred resources isn't as easy as I'd hope. Do I sort by the general content? By what I use them for? Just an alphabetical free for all? Should I cut off resources that are surface level interesting but not actually that deep and useful? It doesn't help that these are resources I've picked up over the course of 5 years, and I've got to reread them just to remember how useful they were for my own learning. And then what about resources that I don't consider easy to understand? Should I include them in case other people prefer them? And then once I've listed out links, do I explain what to expect from them? The things I like about some resources? There's quite a few links that cover the same sort of information, so that would get repetitive for both me and the audience. I'm actually thinking a leaner approach might be better. Trust y'all to find the stuff that works for you with minimal shepherding.