• Fixed the blog page to correctly wrap the older posts
  • Hopefully cleared up backend details
  • Added an archive to the changelog
  • Discovered changelog is one of those words that rapidly becomes meaningless with repetition

I have largely recovered from the mistakes of 2024. Have been on a serious TXR kick recently (seriously, buy the new one), NASCAR is back (and Bowman Gray put on a great show!), have built a spreadsheet that I'm reasonably proud of (using bezier curves to design tyre slip curves in ISIMotor games), and I'm writing a lot (especially for this offline roleplay management series called Racing Heart, link here, where my team finished second in class last round!). I've discovered writing is a fairly good indicator for how sane I am. If I'm not writing, something needs to change.

With that said, I'll probably begin to write some stories and put them on here in another step in my incredible saga to delay the resources page. Or maybe now that I've announced that idea, I'll get on procrastinating it which will bring forth a new innovation.

The changelog with an archive was surprisingly more awkward than expected. Setting the titles to be dates brought some issues because 11ty (the static site generator I use) likes to treat dates in the most superfluous way possible, listing the year-month-day, time to the second, and timezone. Great that it's all recorded. But it screwed up my breadcrumbs, by listing all that data at the top of the screen. The excess is sort of entertaining, except all that data is zeroed which is boring, but I don't think this site owns it enough to look more like a bit than a bodge job of coding. Maybe it would work if I overrode the timezones and times to try and create references or messages in there, but the whole point of this was to take away a reason to think and record the progress of the site and where my head is at, and toying around there counters accuracy a little and the low effortness of this.

To be fair, as a user you don't notice anything, but on my end it means I'm writing out a date three times (in the file name, in the title, and in the date section to sort them properly) which is just asking for a confusing typo in the future. There's absolutely a better way to do that, I'm sure I can condense that to a single input, but what I've realised is I'm far more likely to care about bugs and streamlining when it irritates me publically, so I'm sure my mind will figure out a solution in the background now that I've unleashed this bodge job on the world. Nothing makes you notice errors quicker than unleashing something on the world.