• Hacked together some of the css around blockquotes and code segments to display better on mobile. The current hackabout uses divs to make things scrollable exclusively on the "Upshifting My Assumptions" post.
  • I think I fixed something to do with blockquote backgrounds being displayed on the blog page, so it doesn't default to red when you read a post on the most recent page.
  • Added another section to the Creative section to talk about a gif I threw together. This might not stay there.

I think that covers it. I feel weird updating this so often, but I figure it's better to go overkill than underkill. This changelog specifically is to remind me that I've done this hack on the day I wrote the GT-R post, so whenever I come up with a better solution, I can apply that immediately. I have ideas, maybe.

I'm going to go to sleep now, at 6AM. Wow I didn't expect to stay up so late reminiscing over the GT-R. Oh, and as I was trying to clear out my dist folder to make sure 11ty didn't have any typo pages or duplicates mixed in, I instead deleted the folder with my site on. Thank you, recycling bin. I'm going to get some sleep.