
This is a mirror of this Reddit post I made some years ago. This should also be archived on the internet archive and archive.ph, but I like the idea of having my own personal backup. As I've had to reformat every link here, I'd expect there to be an error.

Pimp My Ride's Xzibit - Who is the weakest character who can defeat him?

At the beginning of every episode of Pimp My Ride, the show's star, X-to-the-Z Xzibit casually flexes his supernatural abilities. For the safety of mankind, someone has documented his abilities here. (Archive.ph mirror of the video).

A brief summary of abilities, feats, and other important information I am certain about:

In addition to these abilities shown in the intro, in every episode of Pimp My Ride Xzibit causes anyone he meets to go into a frenzy when they meet him. The exception to this is his crew, who appear to have built up a tolorance from knowing him for so long.

Xzibit also has a host of sidekicks, Lil Jon, chamillionaire, and Fat Joe.

POV - It's your last moments after challenging Xzibit.

Round 1 - Deathmatch in a closed arena. Standard weapons the character would have on them in every day combat. Xzibit is alone.

Round 2 - In the streets of LA, with Xzibit and his sidekicks against the character.