Hi. Call me Boost. BoostandEthanol.

I love cars, I think, although actually driving escapes me. And I suppose I just like making things. I’ve been described as having thirty-seven hobbies all bunched up in a car shaped trenchcoat. Most consistently, I play games about cars and I spend every weekend watching other people drive them in circles. Everything else takes its turn to support this car obsession, such as coding, writing, 3D printing, and so on.

Part of my mission here is to provide resources for others to use. I’m not a very original person. Everything I’ve ever made is supported by a grotesque fleshy podium built out of the giants who came before me. So I want to help those who come next and point them towards the resources I’ve found most helpful. The resources will be partially curated, but a lot of them will be random bookmarked links I’ve skimmed and reviewed. There's a lot of information out there, and so a lot of things are stuff that looks promising but I've only kept just in case they turn out useful.

Besides resources, I'm going to use this as a portfolio of sorts. Somewhere to keep track of the things I do. Because I've got less to show for than I deserve to. I should've created a space like this long ago. I need a place to be scrappy and messy and ugly, where the sketches in chalk on the sidewalk can be seen somewhere public. I'm a big fan of publishing unfinished messes, I just think I haven't had a platform that makes sense to do so until now.